Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dr. No (1962)

I can't honestly remember the first time I watched Dr. No, and it is highly likely that it wasn't the first James Bond movie I had watched either. I had seen Dr. No many times on the TV growing up, these films were TV staples at Christmas and Easter times, but didn't properly appreciate this cracking first entry in the series until the DVD releases appeared only 14 years ago. And it was great to finally revisit this movie for the License to Watch project.

I'm not sure how much Dr. No deviates from the book but it contains the blueprint for future movies in the franchise. Most of the gimmicks are here; Opening gun barrel sequence, extended opening credit sequence, Monty Norman theme tune, flirting with Miss Moneypenny, Walther PPK, My names Bond catchphrase, the unstirred vodka martini, SPECTRE and the villain with an underground lair. I am surprised by how many of these turn up in this the first film of the series.

This James Bond is a lot harder as well. A merciless killer who unflinchingly fires bullets into his adversaries, without so much as a one liner to soften the blow.

One of the best things I love about this film is the contemporary setting. It would be great when Daniel Craig returns his License to Kill if the owners of the franchise would consider taking James Bond back to his roots and reset it in a 1960's timeline X Men: First Class style. Though the producers would probably find it difficult to fill Sean Connery's massive shoes and black toupee.

In short, Dr. No is great and at 51 years old is extremely rewatchable and stands up well.
It is the first though is it the best? I'm not quite sure but maybe I will decide later down the track as we re-watch the whole series.